A glorious sunrise – what will the new day bring?
If you are a member of the DUP network in the UK (DUPUK), you will have already heard that the printed Newsletter has moved with the times and now appears here, on the DUP website.
If you want to read what would have appeared in the Autumn printed Newsletter, look for the link in the ‘Categories’ on the right-hand column: click the link ‘Newsletter Autumn 2013’ and you will get a long page with all 12 articles.
From now on, if there is something worth writing about (an upcoming event, or one you just attended which really touched you. Maybe you want to tell us about a special aspect of your dancing or spiritual journey?), an item about it can appear here almost instantly, instead of waiting several months to be published. Colour photos make it prettier, too!
Now we need everyone to send in articles. They can be long or short.
You don’t have to be a DUPUK member – anyone can write something.
There is no “they” who will write the news, now – it’s US! WE are the ones who will tell the stories of the dances in the UK.
Just write down your story, and email it to the editors at news@dancesofuniversalpeace.org.uk
We need photos, too. You can attach them to your email, with the text of your article.

Hands up who’s going to write for the News ?