Are you looking for a home, sharing facilities with DUP/ Sufi friends?

Rural Edge of Bridport:

3 Bed Cottage to Rent

With shared facilities and shared values

Rosemary Cottage

We’d like to rent this cottage to people who share some of our values, such as sustainable living and meditation, and who would enjoy the shared facilities of our large house and garden.

At Lynchetts we already host a monthly evening of Sufi practices, and Sacred Circle Sunday: an afternoon of meditation, teachings, sharings, and tea.  There’s also a shared vegetable garden.  We’d love to have neighbours in Rosemary Cottage who’d enjoy all this, and bring their gifts too.

Rosemary Cottage has a large living room, 3 bedrooms, and a small private garden facing south and west.  Gas ch, Private parking space.

Rent £700 per month, unfurnished. Available from January 2015.

If you’re interested, please contact Linda or Alan Heeks on 01308 425371

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About Alan Heeks

Alan has been involved with the Dances since 1992, and leading occasionally since 1995. He is a highly experienced facilitator of personal and spiritual development groups, having trained at Findhorn Foundation. He is now a mentored Dance leader and doing the training programme with Jilani and Gulzar. Alan is passionate about helping people to cultivate their own wellbeing and resilience, especially by learning from nature. He mainly leads dances as part of workshops on themes. Alan has founded and created the retreat centre at Hazel Hill Wood, near Salisbury, and he includes some Dances within many of the events he leads there. See more at