Dear Dancers,
It’s been 4 years since we organised a Regional Day to gather to Dance and also provide an opportunity to listen and talk together about your experience of the Dances of Universal Peace. To this end, we are offering a chance to meet, to listen to you and to dance together in 5 separate regions of the UK this Autumn. Ifyou would like to share a Dance or 2, please get in touch with those organising the Regional days below. Further venue details will be sent to you.
October 5th 2019
Wales with Sandra Shamsia Sunfire & friends:
10.30 – 4.30 pm, Derwenlas Hall, near Machynlleth, Wales SY20 8TN
For more details please contact: sandrasunfire@aol.com
Southeast with Sophia Nicholson:
11.00 -4.00 pm, Friends Meeting House, 1, Paynes Park, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG5 1EH
Leaders only 11-1. (Booking essential by 19th September) dancers welcome 2-4pm.
For more details please contact: sophia_nicholson@hotmail.com
North with Jilani Cordelia Prescott:
10.30 – 4.30pm, The Heart Centre, Luddenden, Nr Hebden Bridge, HX2 6RF.
Booking essential, as numbers are restricted to 20.
For more details contact: jilanicordelia@gmail.com or 07966 451534
Southwest with Matthew Heyse-Moore :
10.30am to 4.30pm, Bedminster Quaker House, Wedmore Vale, Bristol BS3 5HX.
For more details and to register your interest please contact Matthew, mheysemoore@gmail.com or 0117 214 0418.
September 27/28th 2019
Scotland with Mirabai Sue Musgrave:
Friday 27th 7.30-9pm, Saturday 28th 10 – 5pm, Sunshine Room, East Whines, The Park, Findhorn.
For more details please contact: mirabaisue@gmail.com
Do come!
Let’s have a cup of tea, a chat and some precious dancing time together. Perhaps you would like to consider one or more of the following:
- What would enrich your experience of Dancing even more?
- As part of an international family of Dancers is there anything that would help you experience that connection with all those Dancers you may never meet in the circle?
- Do you ever use the website:
https://www.dancesofuniversalpeace.org.uk ~ would anything help your use of it?
And if you are sadly unable to join us, but have thoughts or feelings you would like to share, do please contact us either by email, through the DUPUK website, via Facebook or indeed by good old snail mail.
With love and blessings, Shamsia, Sophia, Shamsuddin and Jilani (Guidance Panel DUP UK)