Date(s) - 02/09/2016 - 05/09/2016
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Othona, Dorset
Leader details:
Sacred Spaces: Dancing, Harmonising, Energising. Dancing Pilgrimage
with Philip O’Donohoe.
Residential at Burton Bradstock, Dorset.
Join us to explore the wonder and mystery of some of the ancient sacred spaces in the unique Dorset landscape. We will be dancing at stone circles, henges, healing wells and chapels. Like the ancients we too can recognise such places as portals to the energy of the earth and as expressions of the divine power of life-giving energy. The atmospheric and vibrational qualities are tangible to those who learn to listen quietly with their hearts.
For several years Philip O’Donohoe has been exploring the extensive network of sacred sites within Dorset. There was a growing realisation that these ancient places of power were calling out to be danced upon, to be revitalised and re-energised for the benefit of the earth and of human beings. Since 2012 he has led a number of such group pilgrimages well received by pilgrims and sacred sites alike.
We receive healing blessings as we attune to and dance at such places. Through our inner stillness, reverence and devotion we can also become conductors of energy that flows through us between the earth and the sky purifying the elements within and without. Such blessings flow to us, through us, as us. The circle is completed as our hearts are tuned to the quietness that the stillness of nature inspires.
You don’t need previous experience of spiritual dance to take part in this event. Openness, a sense of adventure and wonder and a willingness to soften the rigid places within.
We will be driving by cars (sharing lifts for those without their own car) to various parts of Dorset but naturally walking will also be involved, some of it upon hills. To get the most out of this experience, you need to feel comfortable walking up hills.
Contact Othona: Email: