Since 2011 the Management Committee of DUPUK has been in careful and considered discussion regarding re-organising our current over-complicated and cumbersome structure.

Keeping pace with advancing technology in our modern world, we acknowledge that our website and other web-based resources (ie. DUPUK Facebook page) are increasingly functioning as the hub and the heart of the DUPUK, providing information, linking the dancers and dance leaders and connecting the dance circles all over the country.

We aim to create a simple, clear, transparent, less ‘top heavy’ system for the administration of DUPUK and feel that there is no need to pay to be part of our dance community. Everyone who has ever joined hands in a dance circle is included in the DUPUK, no distinctions, no differences. Therefore we propose to abandon the current monthly/ yearly subscriptions.

We would like to ask you, as a current paying subscriber, to vote on this – look out for your voting slip and other information in the post shortly!

At the same time we are announcing the formation of the DUPUK Leaders Guild. This focuses and supports the activities of the dance leaders as they spread the Dances of Universal Peace far and wide. All current mentored dance leaders who pay Leaders Guild dues and identify themselves with the UK region, are automatically included. The dance leaders will receive more detailed information with their ballot paper.

We hope that you will appreciate this notion towards more open-hearted and generous organization and look forward to dancing with you in the future.

With much love,
The Management Committee

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About Dakini Warrior

Dakini (Maris) has led Dances of Universal Peace since 1995. Born in Estonia, she lived in Findhorn, Scotland for 10 years, where she led spiritual journeys to Nepal, India and Tibet, co-founded a Buddhist retreat centre and gave birth to two daughters. She initiated the Estonian Dance Camp (2001) and Dervish Days Family Sufi camp in Scotland (in 2012) and organises a yearly Sufi retreat in Scotland with Sir Shabda and Murshid Saadi. Dakini serves on the current DUP International Board of Directors and leads dances and Sufi retreats at various events across Europe. She is a Mentor of Dances of Universal Peace, a Sheikha in the Sufi Ruhaniat International and a Budhhist practitioner in Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism.