Celebration – 30 years of Sacred Singing in Findhorn

Date(s) - 25/05/2018 - 27/05/2018
7:30 pm - 5:00 pm


Leader details: No Categories

Friends, you are warmly invited this spring to a weekend in the Findhorn community, celebrating our practice of 30 years of sacred singing, inspired by the Taizé community in France, May 25-27th. followed by a 2 day dance workshop and leadership training with Dr. Tui Wilschinsky.

Find out more on www.songsofheavenandearth.com

The weekend will give an opportunity to sing and pray together as a collective, using the songs from Taizé as well as songs from other spiritual traditions, creating a prayerwheel like in the “Findhorn Peace Prayer Mandala”, praying for peace all over the world and so laying the foundations for a Sacred World Culture through Music.

With love from Barbara Swetina, Director of Music in Findhorn