Author Archives: Glen Unmana

About Glen Unmana

Glen is from England and his spiritual background is in Advaita Vedanta and Sufism. The dances are a tool for the transmission of blessing that open the heart to qualities of love and reconnect dancers to the natural state of pure awareness beyond thought. The dances have been alive in him for 17 years and he teaches weekend retreats in 7 or 8 countries across Europe, as well as workshops in India. Glen received his first initiation in 1985. For uplifting free streaming music, videos, photos and more see

Allaudin Ottinger and 2016 Dancing Spirit Camp

Allaudin OttingerLate last year it happened that Allaudin Ottinger was in Turkey guiding a two week Sufi retreat with Mariam Baker just as we were in the process of working to secure a main guest teacher for the 2016 Dancing Spirit Camp here in the United Kingdom. It turns out that Allaudin loves to travel and as a result of a connection that was made while he was in Turkey, Allaudin is now coming to teach in the United Kingdom this year.

In this country we have long been aware of Allaudin’s dances because they are danced so much! He is the originator of many much-loved compositions including rip-roaring classics Ya Basir Wali Allah and Ruh Allah, the sublime Three Part Bismillah, dynamic energizers such as Allah Hayy and Zikr of the Tender Heart, plus perennial favourite among young folks, Fill Your Cup. Continue reading

Young People Dancing

It was a Sunday abounding in glorious sunshine in the middle of July. I had come over from the Sufi Ruhaniat Summer School in Germany to teach a day of Dances of Universal Peace at City Lit, an adult education centre in London’s Covent Garden. There were more than twenty present and it was quite a mix between older experienced dancers and total newcomers. Among the mix, and neither newcomer nor old, were six dear young people. Some were still at school, others had recently passed beyond school but all were longtime regulars at the dance camps in the UK. Continue reading