Category Archives: From DUP UK

Announcements from the Guidance Panel on behalf of DUP UK


Since 2011 the Management Committee of DUPUK has been in careful and considered discussion regarding re-organising our current over-complicated and cumbersome structure.

Keeping pace with advancing technology in our modern world, we acknowledge that our website and other web-based resources (ie. DUPUK Facebook page) are increasingly functioning as the hub and the heart of the DUPUK, providing information, linking the dancers and dance leaders and connecting the dance circles all over the country. Continue reading

Send us your news!

Hearts connected in a circleWe love to hear news from dancers and dance leaders in the UK. If you would like to write something for us, you can email the Web Administrator at and send us a little piece about what you’ve been up to. This can be your local group, an event, what the dances has changed in you, anything!

You don’t need to write a magnificent work for the ages, just a hundred words about what you did and what you thought – a picture says a thousand words, so we’d love you to include a photo or two as well!

To see our news pieces from dancers and dance leaders, click here.

For announcements from the Guidance Panel and DUP UK, click here.

– The Guidance Panel

DUPUK committee meetings

Hearts connected in a circle

With the modern ways of networking and staying in touch, the Management Committee of the DUP UK now conducts most of its meetings using Skype, email, online forum and telephone.

So, since there is no organisational need for people to attend the next Spring Committee Meeting in person, the discussions for that meeting will make use of these electronic methods, instead.



Our AGM in November will be our only official ‘in-body’ meeting this year, even though we will get together as a committee as and when required throughout the year

– by the DUPUK Management Committee.