Category Archives: News

News from dancers and dance leaders across the UK.

Young Dancers at Unicorn

Young Dancers at Unicorn Dancing Spirit Camp 2013

by Jilani Cordelia Prescott

It was once again my great pleasure and privilege to be part of the team working with the young people who are interested in Dance-leading, at the Unicorn Dancing Spirit Camp in August this year. I continue to be so impressed with the maturity of these young Dance leaders, and they continue to develop in skill and attunement in a very noticeable way. Continue reading

Young People Dancing

It was a Sunday abounding in glorious sunshine in the middle of July. I had come over from the Sufi Ruhaniat Summer School in Germany to teach a day of Dances of Universal Peace at City Lit, an adult education centre in London’s Covent Garden. There were more than twenty present and it was quite a mix between older experienced dancers and total newcomers. Among the mix, and neither newcomer nor old, were six dear young people. Some were still at school, others had recently passed beyond school but all were longtime regulars at the dance camps in the UK. Continue reading

Come, Come, Whoever You Are

– come and dance with us in Edinburgh!

by Fateah Alice Saunders (Oct 2013)

Some of you may recall previous mention of the Salisbury Centre (SC) in Edinburgh where, over the years, there have been attempts to establish a regular DUP group, first by Saadi, Kamae and myself, soon after we moved to Edinburgh from Dorset in 1999 and later by me when Saadi and Kamae had to drop out due to their extensive travelling. Continue reading

Support, Network, Gratitude

Wales and Borders Regional Day, 28th September 2013

by Nigel Lees

We held this Regional Day in Cardiff on a lovely Saturday in September, Both Neesa Copple and I were grateful to host the day and welcome Dance Leaders from the area: Dilwara Sita and Bob from West Wales, Mike (Karim) and Susanne from Hereford, and Matthew from Bristol. Continue reading