Category Archives: News

News from dancers and dance leaders across the UK.

Dancers and Friends

by Rosemary Brown

‘We are widely but thinly spread.’ (Philip Tansen O’Donohoe).
This comment about Sufi mureeds is also largely true of our Dance community. Happily, there are a few places where dancers live quite close together and good-sized groups can meet regularly. Continue reading

Dancing Spirit through Darkness and Light!

by Neesa Copple

I have been going to the Sacred Arts Camp and the Unicorn Dance Camp (with its various names!) for several years. I never find them easy and for some reason I have often found Unicorn particularly challenging – the proverbial “rollercoaster ride”!
A couple of years ago when I was feeling particularly wretched, I remember thinking: “I’m just not going to come anymore. I’m not putting myself through this again!” Continue reading

Inner Peace in Changing Times

by Alan Heeks

Do you remember the looting riots of 2011? It was a sudden, large-scale breakdown of the norms of our society. They scared me, because I fear that whatever pressures provoked these riots are minor compared to the problems we’ll face in the 2020s.
And I wonder what Jesus, Buddha and Muhammad would say if they were with us today. What practical wisdom, what grace and insights would they distil from these ugly scenes? And surely they could discern the gifts in the problems ahead of us? Continue reading

Playground Dances

by Maris Warrior

Autumn 2012 – my daughter Alana Maya begins class 1 in Penpont Primary – a tiny local school just two minutes walk from our house. Shortly afterwards the parents are asked if they have skills they would like to offer at school. Upon my response that I could offer dances from various traditions, I get a phone call asking if I’m free on Friday to lead some dances for a group of girls and I say yes. Continue reading