
Try out some of our sound clips of Dances of Universal Peace:

1. “Kalama” A short clip from DUP US Volume 1 – an original Dance of Samuel L. Lewis.
First section with Samuel Lewis singing. See “Samuel. L. Lewis” for more about him.

Audio Player


2. “Dance to Innana” Sound clip from the CD: “Seven Times Blessed” (DUP UK Vol IV)
Dance to Innana – Goddess of Sumeria.

Audio Player


3. “Dance to Shiva” Sound clip from the CD: “DUP US Volume 3”
Dance to Shiva.

Audio Player



Here is a video of Amida Harvey teaching the dance “Om Nama Shivaya”, on 19 May 2012 in La Verna Franciscan Centre, in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Amida has been involved with the dances since 1983, and travels internationally, running training workshops with the main focus of sowing the seeds of the Dances of Universal Peace.

Next, Saadi Neil Douglas-Klotz, leading The Aramaic Lord’s Prayer of Jesus :

All material presented on this page are © Dances of Universal Peace